Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Double Standard Much?

Earlier today, Hall of Fame quarterback Terry Bradshaw admitted that he used steroids in the '70s. I had seen the headline scroll on ESPN. I come on ESPN.com tonight to read the article, and do not see it on the front page. Perplexed, I decided to go to MSNBC.com, and lo and behold, it was not in there main page sports headlines. Why is this? Why is it ignored when a 4-time Super Bowl champion and Hall of Fame football player admits using steroids?

Today, speculation is enough to destroy the Hall of Fame hopes for a baseball player. Is it possible the Bradshaw admission is being ignored because he is a former player? I would believe this if there had not been a similar apathy toward Shawn Marrion or Rodney Harrison. I would write more, but this issue infuriates me. All athletes should be held to the same scrutiny. Taking steroids to "heal faster" is the same as taking them to become stronger.


Jaye said...

The main factor here is that people like him and he's not breaking any records. How often do you hear about steroids in football?

Had he been a baseball player, you might be seeing more - and especially if he had not yet gotten into the Hall or if he held a record.

It is infuriating, definitely.

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree that it's infuriating. I think he's "earning" a free pass b/c he's already in a Hall of Fame. However, there is a big difference between taking steroids for healing and taking them for strength. The steroid Prednisone (sp.?) is a steroiod that a few people I know, including my Mom, take/took for various injuries and to help fight Arthritis (my Mom took it for a 20-plus-year fight with Lupus); an athlete caught with it in his system, even though it doesn't provide a strength boost (in fact, it can cause severe fatigue), will get you suspended.